Image by Matt LeRoux

Pigs can be grown for show or for their many by products.

Pigs in a field




New York State Swine - a Department of Agriculture and Markets page that contains laws and regulations, forms, health programs, and other miscellaneous resources on swine

Hogs, Pigs and Pork, eXtension.org - an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched swine knowledge and resources from the best land-grant university minds across America

University of Florida, IFAS Extension Swine Page

University of Minnesota Extension Swine Page

Swine Breeds (Oklahoma State U)


Pest Management Recommendations for Sheep, Goats, and Swine

Showmanship & 4-H

NYS Youth Swine Programs - provides children and teens with swine related events, activities and resources

4-H Pork Production Manual

Showing Swine -- Tips on showing swine from North Carolina State University Extension.

Swine Showmanship -- Suggestions from Oklahoma State University Extension on showing swine successfully.

Showpig -- livestock exhibition site


New York Pork Producers Cooperative

National Pork Producers Council

Last updated July 26, 2019